Glossary: C
<Prev (B) |
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- Acronym for Campus Community Emergency Response Team.
- Acronym for Common Alerting Protocol.
- Acronym for chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives.
- Acronym for Closed-circuit Television.
- Acronym for Community Emergency Response Team.
- Acronym for Commercial Mobile Alert System.
- Acronym for Collaborative Operating Group.
- CP-01
- A design specification for security system control panels and their associated arming and disarming devices to reduce false alarms.
- Acronym for Certified Protection Professional.
- Acronym for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design.
- CS-AUD-01-2012
- The identifier for Audio Verification and Notification Procedures.
- CS-V-01
- The identifier for Alarm Verification and Notification Procedures published by the CSAA Standards Committee in 2004.
- CS-V-02-2012
- The identifier for Video Verification Procedures for Burglar Alarms.
- Acronym for Campus Security Authorities.
- Acronym for the Central Station Alarm Association.
- Acronym for Chief Security Officer.
- Campus Community Emergency Response Team
- The campus version of CERT, volunteers take classes that include Terrorism, Disaster Psychology, Medical Operations, Fire Fighting, Search & Rescue, and more.
- Campus Security Authorities
- In the context of the Clery Act, a crime is considered reported when it is brought to the attention of a CSA or local police by a victim.
- Central Station
- Sometimes called an Alarm Monitoring Center, Central Station refers to a service company that monitors burglar, fire and residential alarm systems.
- Central Station Alarm Association
- A trade association representing the interests of Central Station service providers with a goal of false alarm reduction.
- Certified Protection Professional
- A board certification by ASIS, the CPP credential shows the recipient has demonstrable proof of knowledge and management skills in eight key domains of security.
- Chief Security Officer
- The most senior security official in an organization.
- Choke Point
- A portal or area through which traffic must pass.
- Clerestory
- A type of window that is above eye-level.
- Clery Act
- The 1990 Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act.
- Closed-circuit Television
- Fixed video cameras that transmit to monitors in a single place.
- Collaborative Operating Group
- A federal, state, local, tribal or territorial alerting authority with authorization to use FEMA's IPAWS system.
- Columbine
- A high school massacre in Colorado on April 20th, 1999.
- Commercial Mobile Alert System
- A partnership between FEMA, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and wireless carriers, CMAS is the system interface to the Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) service to enhance public safety.
- Common Alerting Protocol
- A global XML standard for disseminating alert messages.
- Community Emergency Response Team
- Volunteer emergency workers who have received specific training in basic disaster response skills to supplement existing emergency responders.
- Contract Security
- The proper term for "security guard company," which is less in favor.
- Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
- A theory that certain design principles can create a climate of safety in a physical location.
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